Mineralpedia Details for Richelsdorfite
- Formula
- Ca2Cu5Sb5+(AsO4)4(OH)6Cl·6H2O
- Crystal System
- Monoclinic
- Cleavage
- Perfect, None, None
- Luster
- Vitreous (Glassy)
- Color
- sky blue, turquoise
- Streak
- greenish blue
- Class
- Monoclinic - Prismatic
- Hardness
- 2
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Richelsdorfite from Richelsdorf, Hesse, Germany
- Special Info
- Type Locality
Light sky-blue microcrystalline encrustations of Richelsdorfite on a slender piece of black matrix.
Click thumbnail images for larger view.
Richelsdorfite from Burrus mine, Washoe Co., Nevada, United States
- Special Info
- EDS Confirmed
There are two localities of Richelsdorfite in Nevada; the Gold Chain mine in Utah and the Burrus mine in Nevada. These specimens from the Burrus mine, are some of the best quality Richelsdorfite around. The crystals occur as tiny less than 0.5mm clusters and single distinct crystals filling the many vugs.
Click thumbnail images for larger view.