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Named for the type locality at Plan de Labasse in Nabias in Midi-Pyrenees, France. Additional localities for Nabiasite include in the Valgraveglia mine, also called the Gambatesa mine, in Liguria, Italy, and also at the Yamato mine on Amami-Oshima Island in the Kyushu Region of Japan. Nabiasite occurs as red crystals or grains in patches with rhodochrosite, friedelite, and barite. At the type locality it is found in veinlets that cross-cut a metamorphic, syngenetic  Lower Carboniferous complex of manganese ores in the historical Plan de Labasse deposit.

Ref. Minerals and their Localities, Bernard, J.H. and Hyršl, J. (2004)


Named for the original and type occurrence at Djebel Nador in the Constantine Province of Algeria. A rare mineral, Nadorite can be found in additional localities that include Morocco, England, Sweden, Germany, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, and Namibia. It occurs “as an alteration product of other antimony-bearing minerals in hydrothermal mineral deposits.”

Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/nadorite.pdf


More appropriately spelled Nagyágite, this mineral gets its name from the type locality at Sacarîmb, also called Nagyág, in Romania. Nagyagite is an uncommon mineral that occurs in epithermal hydrothermal gold and tellurium bearing deposits. It can be found in, additionally, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Zimbabwe, the United States, Canada, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Fiji among others. Nagyagite has a hardness of 1.5 on the Mohs scale with thin flexible lamellae much like Molybdenite. 

Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/nagyagite.pdf

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