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Named after Dr. Adolf Pabst, a former Professor of Mineralogy at the University of California in the United States. Pabstite is a rare mineral found only in the United States as well as at some newer localities in Tajikistan and Mexico. It occurs at its type locality in the Kalkar quarry in California as a filling in fractures and as disseminated grains in silicon-rich limestone that and been recrystallized and has evidence of contact metamorphism. Pabstite will fluoresce white with blue tones under short-wave ultraviolet light.
Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/pabstite.pdf

Named for the Lakota Sioux Native American word Pahasapa, which is the traditional name for the Black Hills after its type and only locality at the Tip Top mine in the Black Hills of South Dakota, USA. Pahasapaite occurs as “a rare late-stage mineral in seams in fractured beryl crystals, within the inner-intermediate zone of a complex granite pegmatite.” It can be found in association with englishite, roscherite, esophoite-childrenite, tiptopite, and montgomeryite.
Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/pahasapaite.pdf

Named in honor of the discoverer and amateur mineralogist Professor Andrea Palenzona. Palenzonaite is a rare mineral found in thin veinlets through manganese deposits in radiolarian chert at the type locality in the Molinello mine in Italy. It can also be found in Switzerland and a newer locality in Japan. Palenzonaite is found in association with manganoan calcite, saneroite, ganophyllite, axinite, mediate, pyrobelonite, fianelite, parsettensite, rhodochrosite, knutohorite, aegerine, and quartz.
Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/palenzonaite.pdf

Named for the type and only locality at the Panasqueira tin-tungsten deposit in Portugal. This rare mineral occurs “in vein selvages in a hydrothermal Sn-W deposit” in association with fluorapatite, wolfeite, topaz, muscovite, sphalerite, quartz, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, siderite, arsenopyrite, chlorite, vivianite, althausite, and thadeuite. Under an electron beam, Panasqueiraite produces a blue cathodoluminescence.
Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/panasqueiraite.pdf