Fine Mineral Specimens Over $50
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
- Formula
- (K,Na)3(Fe3+,Ti,Al,Mg)5O2(AsO4)5
- Size
- 2.5 x 1.1 x 1.3 cm - Thumbnail
- Special Info
- XRD Confirmed
- Special Info
- EDS Confirmed
- Special Info
- Type & Only Locality
- Special Info
- Author's Material
Very rich specimen loaded with yellowish brown to colorless crystals in cavaties of scoria from the Tolbachik. This is a specimen from the research collection of Dr. Igor Pekov, when he described the mineral.
The more exact locality is:
Arsenatnaya fumarole, Second scoria cone, Northern Breakthrough), Great Fissure eruption, Tolbachik Volcanic field, Milkovsky District, Kamchatka Krai, Russia
- Availability
- Available
- Price
- $50.00
- Locality
- Keweenaw Co., Michigan, United States
- Formula
- Cu1-xAsx; x = 1/7
- Size
- 4.8 x 2 x 2 cm - Miniature
- Tagged
- copper
Heavy, dense metallic Algodonite mass. Rare.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Alluaiv Mt., Lovozero Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia
- Formula
- Na19(Ca,Mn2+)6(Ti,Nb)3Si26O74Cl·2H2O
- Size
- 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm - Thumbnail
- Special Info
- Type Locality
Light yellow crystal grain to about 1mm. Alluaivite is a rare titanium-niobium mineral found in basically two places on Earth.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Tincalayu mine, Salta, Argentina
- Formula
- NaB3O3(OH)4
- Size
- 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm - Thumbnail
- Special Info
- Type & Only Locality
A small sugary mass of this anhydrous borate found only at the Tincalayu mine. Very rare worldwide.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Chuquicamata mine, El Loa Prov., Antofagasta, Chile
- Formula
- Cu2+3SO4(OH)4
- Size
- 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm - Thumbnail
- Tagged
- copper
Terrific glassy green perfent crystals.
- Availability
- Available
- Price
- $50.00
- Locality
- Widowmaker mine, White Canyon, San Juan Co., Utah, United States
- Formula
- Cu2+3SO4(OH)4
- Size
- 6 x 8 x 2.5 cm - Sm Cabinet
- Tagged
- copper
Green finely crystalline Antlerite with carbonatecyanotrichite on the backside.