Fine Mineral Specimens Over $50
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Niccola Secci mine, Sarrabus, Sardinia, Italy
- Formula
- Ag2S
- Size
- 1.8 x 1 x 1 cm - Thumbnail
- Tagged
- sulfide, silver
- Special Info
- Antique Specimen
Oldie from a little known locality in Sardinia with an old Wards label. The Acanthite is to 8mm and has a little vial with a few grains.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico
- Formula
- Ag2S
- Size
- 1.8 x 1.7 x 0.8 cm - Thumbnail
- Tagged
- sulfide, silver
Very nice cubic crystals to 5mm.
- Availability
- Sold
- Featured
- Featured in Special Editions
- Locality
- Tanco pegmatite, Bernic Lake, Manitoba, Canada
- Formula
- LiAlPO4F
- Size
- 7.5 x 6 x 4.5 cm - Sm Cabinet
- Tagged
- pegmatite mineral, lithium
- Special Info
- XRD Confirmed
- Special Info
- EDS Confirmed
- Special Info
- Illustrated in London's book "Pegmatites"
Somewhat glassy and yellow massive Amblygonite. Yellow Amblygonite is uncommon. It is shown on page 60, Fig. 4-12 of London's book called "Pegmatites".
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Majuba Hill mine, Pershing Co., Nevada, United States
- Formula
- CuFe3+2(AsO4)2(OH)2ยท4H2O
- Size
- 8 x 6.5 x 3 cm - Sm Cabinet
- Tagged
- arsenate, copper
Green acicular crystals of Arthurite in 1mm clusters. This specimen comes with a label from the Jack Parnau collection. Originally the label stated that only Arthurite is on the specimen. But, Parnua hand-wrote "Parnauite" on the specimen also. I looked around with a microscope briefly, and I saw no Parnauite. See prov. tab for Parnau label.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Mt. Vesuvius, Somma Complex, Napoli, Campania, Italy
- Formula
- KBF4
- Size
- 3.5 x 1 x 1 cm - Miniature
- Special Info
- Type Locality
Lemon yellow, earthy masses of Avogadrite in a vial. The masses are around 1cm. Avogadrite is named after Amedeo Carlo Avogadro(1776 – 1856) an Italian physicist who determined the molecular theory that the number of molecules per mole of substance is exactly 6.02214076×10^23. It is otherwise known as "Avogadro constant". It is used to this day in chemical reactions. I use it all the time when I make pizza.
Avogadrite is a three locality mineral.
- Availability
- Available
- Price
- $85.00
- Locality
- Metcalf mine, Greenlee Co., Arizona, United States
- Formula
- Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2
- Size
- 8.5 x 5.5 x 3.3 cm - Sm Cabinet
- Tagged
- carbonate, copper
Rich blue superb crystals of Azurite in sheaf-like bundles. It is lustrous and displays well.