Minerals for sale by Dakota Matrix, your online mineral dealer.
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Posted Just Now! Collector Quality Rare Minerals
Release Notification
Gallery - Rare Minerals
Released - 4/23/2024 6:03:30 PM
Quantity - 35
BN49567 - Gatumbaite |
BN61872 - Mitridatite |
BAC61873 - Ranunculite |
BAC61874 - Althupite |
61875 - Triangulite |
BN61878 - Strengite |
61879 - Althupite |
BAC63144 - Mundite |
BAC63243 - Kupcikite |
63367 - Vanmeersscheite |
63642 - Katiarsite |
63648 - Pilipenkoite |
63660 - Chegemite |
63670 - Chkalovite |
63676 - Gugiaite |
63707 - Stibiotantalite |
63708 - Vismirnovite |
BAC63765 - Vinciennite |
AH63984 - Hemimorphite |
AH63985 - Strontianite |
BW63991 - Camaronesite |
BAC64004 - Taneyamalite |
BAC64005 - Pretulite |
BAC64006 - Ixiolite |
BAC64007 - Derriksite |
BAC64008 - Thorutite |
BAC64009 - Grumiplucite |
64010 - Koutekite |
CL64011 - Eskimoite |
BAC64012 - Dufrenoysite |
BAC64019 - Strunzite |
BAC64020 - Andrewsite |
BAC64021 - Gormanite |
BAC64022 - Schafarzikite |
BAC64023 - Arsenopyrite |
Rare Minerals for Sale
Gallery - Rare Minerals for Collectors
Released - 6/14/2022 5:30:08 PM
58646 - Stokesite |
58647 - Christite |
58648 - Jankovicite |
58649 - Zanazziite |
58650 - Schultenite |
See our latest Mineral List offered on Dakota Matrix.
Rare and Fine minerals from Dakota Matrix.
42235 - Pellyite |
PD42240 - Sanbornite |
PD42276 - Macdonaldite |
42759 - Krauskopfite |
44428 - Creedite |
46436 - Chrysoberyl |
BN51680 - Acanthite |
AH52016 - Mimetite |
AH53137 - Corundum |
54988 - Maskelynite |
55149 - Natrolite |
55150 - Pectolite |
55151 - Phurcalite |
WR55153 - Enstatite |
55154 - Pyrargyrite |
55159 - Ixiolite |
55174 - Pyrargyrite |
55178 - Pyrargyrite |
55183 - Amphibole |
WR55184 - Arsenopyrite |
WR55185 - Sphalerite |
WR55186 - Fluorapatite |
55187 - Columbite-(Fe) |
WR55188 - Wulfenite |
WR55189 - Weloganite |
WR55190 - Dolomite |
WR55191 - Anglesite |
WR55192 - Azurite |
WR55193 - Wavellite |
55194 - Rhodochrosite |
55195 - Grossular |
55198 - Gillardite |
19900 - Strengite |
55201 - Tellurobismuthite |
BN55200 - Polybasite |
Rare Minerals from Russia
We placed Rare Russian Minerals for sale on Dakota Matrix
Gallery - Rare Minerals for Sale
Released - 10/21/2019 6:00:34 PM
Quantity - 5
44168 - Umbozerite |
46478 - Potassicpargasite |
50450 - Alumoklyuchevskite |
50488 - Nabokoite |
50501 - Vladimirivanovite |
Arnold G. Hampson Collection
In September, 2019, Dakota Matrix acquired the Arnold G. Hampson collection. Arnold was a major contributor to the study of minerals having been a field collector since age 11. He was also inducted into the Micromounters Hall of Fame not to mention several first place awards for displaying at numerous shows. Mr. Hampson cataloged over 3000 specimens and had thousands in field collected flats and hundreds that were not cataloged. He collected east coast, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and elswhere.