I'm always keen to view your website, as it is, in my opinion, the very best in terms of information provided and item presentation.
Thanks for making the effort to keep me informed. The high quality of DM service has kept me coming back for a decade.
I am an avid mineral collector, and my collection has grown quite a bit in the past several years. I have gotten to the point where it is challenging to find new specimens, considering my taste in exotic and rare minerals with unique chemistries, like REE minerals. Your website has helped me greatly by offering high quality specimens that I would see rarely, if ever, at mineral shows and in other places around the internet. Thank you for what you do, and I look forward to being a continuing customer!
I am never concerned about your packaging - you (functionality) and another guy I sometimes buy things from in Germany (prettiest) are the best packagers in my book. I wish some other dealers would take the time to do what you do.
I want to thank you both so much for the amazing packing job... Two delicate (and pricey) specimens arrived in perfect condition!
Online mineral collecting is very much a 'Buyers Beware' situation. Fair enough - buyers should be aware and should be cautious. That said, among many other reputable sites that are well known among collectors, we're constantly being 'sold' - and oversold - with flowery and sometimes pretty darn misleading descriptions. That's never been the case here - your descriptions are always spot on and most often they're understated. I never have to wonder if I'll get what was described or pictured. It's always a delight to open a box with your return address, because what's inside is always better than I'd imagined.
Tom, you guys are a godsend and truly provide the best service I’ve experienced in this area.
Dakota Matrix Minerals is one of the most outstanding places to purchase minerals. Very professional. They actually pick up the phone if you call! Can’t say enough! Excellent site!
I had been looking at various gem & mineral websites, and the website design and ease of use of your site is light years beyond most. Also, I appreciate that you carry everything from entry level specimens to high end serious collector product. As a neophyte collector it will give me an opportunity to learn as well as buy. The photography is so important and you do that well. I know you've been in business and have a great reputation...what's not to like about that?
"Thank you for providing me a new DMM account!! Later I will enjoy "Favorites" & "Wish List". It's really nice!!"
Dear Dakota Minerals The large tanzanite crystal arrived today and I am very pleased with it. Thank you for providing such a magnificent specimen for my mineral collection. Love the color change and gemmy quality.
Tom, Just to let you know, the uranopilite arrived safe and sound over the weekend. It was sitting in its box, on the front porch when I returned from the Grassy Creek/Spruce Pine show on Sunday. Very nice specimen!! Thanks!
Regarding #pd 30640 Copper: Hey, what a great Dakota Matrix find!!! Thanks for the detailed specimen photos on this too – took me less than an instant upon viewing this to make the decision. I have been looking for good copper morphology like this for a while. Bang! Done! Wow! Yes I will be sending my check to you immediately, since I am new to your process and indeed received the invoice for this immediately on submitting the order to you for the copper specimen – for some reason I thought perhaps an hour or two was going to pass first (Amazon thing I guess). Pleased so far!!!
Miranda, Got the Londonite tonight. My little heart thumped with excitement. You packaged it up wonderfully. I was impressed and confident that the specimen would be fine, and it was. It’s a nice little Londonite. I’m glad to have it in my collection. Was surprised to see Morenci azurite still available on the D5. Thanks again
Hi Tom, Received the Pakistani ruby specimen (MMI44) today, well labeled and in excellent condition. I'm really pleased with it and, in very short order, I'll be cataloging it.
Hi Miranda, I just received your specimens: Very nice (as usual). By the way: You have probably the best packing & labeling between the 124 Vendors of minerals have been working with, so far! For the Emmonsite: No big deal as I have another one to work with but, if you can find something similar, please let me know. Best regards,
I check your website regularly as it is often better than almost everyone elses, including Mindat.org, for good photos and locality information. Attached is a rather washed-out photo of the Wightmanite sample I wrote to you about. I am getting better at the photos. Regards,
Tom, I received your adorable specimens today. I have to give my hat off to you with the highly commendable packing you rendered. It mirrors one's true appreciation for these wonders of our planet.
Have a great Christmas and keep up the excellent work with the minerals - there is always a fantastic selection on the website and you're about the only guy selling great minerals at realistic prices. So well done with that, I really enjoy looking through the rare minerals section.
Thank you for having top shelf specimens and speedy delivery. If I didn't have a mortgage, I would owe you alot of money.
Hi Tom, I am often tempted by the pieces you put in your updates, but they disappear so quickly (like a shark feeding frenzy) when you post your update.
Hi Tom: The fluorite arrived here in Germany today -- it is spectacular!! Thanks for the super addition to my collection!
Hi Tom, thanks for the exact information, the package has arrived and both pieces are gorgeous!
hi Tom, one of my friends has who I had given your website has just informed me that it was very happy of its order, in particular of a splendid orpiment.
Hi, Tom!! I have just received specimens I ordered last time. Every time I ordered, you send me nice specimens. Thanks,
Today I received the shipment of cuprian austinite and smithsonite from the 79 Mine. You were right: both are VERY nice specimens. Thanks again!
how on earth did you get hold of quadratite specimens? And for such low prices. I know a dealer who owns 3/7 of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lengenbach who mine and research the Lengenbach quarry and he sells quadratites starting at 195 Euros for micromounts. Looking forward to receive the piece.
I have already taken advantage of your new, instant, on-line ordering and think that it is the best I have come across yet.
Your new website works great. All very convenient and a week after the order the specimens arrive. Already received a marshite from Broken Hill and a prismatic wulfenite from Los Lamentos. Very nice both.
Hello Miranda Thank you for answering. Yes, I will let you know. You have such a nice specimens for sale. So I will for sure come back.
Hi Tom, I received your package on Thursday and everything is in order. I really like the pieces you sent--they will be great additions to my collection. Thank you very much!
Hi Tom, Just a short note to let you know that I got the E-mail concerning the latest order and appreciate the extra "goodies" that will be in the parcel. As mentioned will be back on Monday the 13th and will remit as soon as I hear from you again. Look forward to the parcel. By the way, the material in the last two parcels is EXCELLENT. Still have much to look over and prepare to put in the collection. Thanks
The Proustite mineral arrived today, it is very nice! Thanks
Tom That silver must be a rare item. I can't find it listed from Christmas Mine, although obviously the specimen is from there. That's nice!
Hi Tom, Just a short note to let you know that I got the E-mail concerning the latest order and appreciate the extra "goodies" that will be in the parcel. By the way, the material in the last two parcels is EXCELLENT.
Hi Tom, There are another three brilliant colorful specimens. Please send to Max as always. I've finished to unpack your parcels that I brought from US - so many rare and excellent minerals! You are certainly the best supplier of systematic specimens for me - now my collection counts about 2600-2700 species - second or third result in Russia. So I thank you again and appreciate very highly your biz!
Hi Tom, I love the barite and am very happy to have it. The form is so elegant -- it doesn't need to have anything more going on than it does. Having the fluorite at the base is just the right touch of context or "matrix." Thanks so much for asking how I liked it. You posted something just recently, and I'm trying just now to remember what it was that I liked. As if I didn't like all kinds of things. What a terrific site you have. Amazing, I say. Anyway, as is so often the case, one of those eagle-eyed raptors that hover over the Dakota Matrix, snapped it up before I even saw it. And this was with the advanced warning you sent out -- which I thought was very cool of you to do. Looking forward to your next set of offerings. Mr. Loomis, you are quite the mineralogical sleuth. Again, what an amazing site you have. Best regards,
Hi Tom the package arrived today. the heliodor is splendid. Thank for the other samples too: they are little but very nice and well crystallized. You are a great dealer.
Hi Tom, Just let you know I received my Tanzanite specimen and I like it very much!! Best Wishes, Zeno I receieved the Dakota Micro bag earlier this week. The stuff was great. The check is on its way. Thanks,
Hi Tom, I received your package with all 3 micro bags safe and sound. Contents look great and I'm looking forward to hours of fun. Thanks.
Hi Tom,- Thanks for your message. I double checked, and the two micro-bags (#33 and#37) are still listed as available. I look forward to recieving them, they are definitly fun to explore, and I often find some nice surprizes in them. It's funny how you can be searching for a particular species for years and then find it hidden in a micro-bag! That has happened enough times for me to become a definite "fan" of your micro bags! So, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the over-all high quality of yor business, the specimens you offer, and the quality of your micro-bags. I am sure that I speak for many of your regular customers who also respect your outstanding ethic. Sincerely
hello tom, just dropping a note to let you know i received the above specimens safe and sound. thank-you. all are very nice pieces, well documented, well packed and i am very pleased. must note that i am really enjoying the stibiconite/stibnite: it's wonderful. i shall, without hesitation, return as a customer. also... as you may tell by my recent order i have a "thing" for pseudomorphs, specifically North American examples of such. if in the future you should run across any unique, rare and or "must have" pseudomorph specimens please do contact me. Again thank-you tom and best regards,
Hi Tom, I just got the micros and they are great! I'll be getting more soon. Thanks,
Hi Tom, Keep up the great work over the last year. You dig up phantastic specimens of rare minerals that no one can ever match.
Hi, Tom, Thanks for two fascinating specimens - the Kermesite seems relatively abundant, and, beautiful. I think I've located the Valentinite. The Pyrargyrite is again beautiful. What I like about you as a supplier (apart from your friendly approach) is that your photos are good and what you see is what you get, as it were. Thanks, again,
Hi, I recieved my specimens today, just wanted to let you know I love them!!! Bravo!!!. Thank you especially for old all the old mineral labels with the new ones, very much appreciated!!. Also thanks for the super fast shipping!!.Can you please e-mail when you post updates?. Again, Thanks So Much,
Got the Artinite. VERY Nice piece, and unbelieveable shipping time. Ron
Received the order today - awesome quality. Could not be more impressed by the service or the value for money. Regards
The photos on your site are extraordinary. You must spend a lot of time at this, or do you have some professional help with this aspect of your business?
Hi Tom, just wanted to let you know that i received my order today----and i am impressed!!!! the specimens are beautiful you will definitely be getting more orders from me and thank you again barbara I got the Cavansite today! Oh Boy! love it. Thank you. Best specimen I have seen in quite a while, many great bright blue balls of gemmy crystals. Thank you. thanks again,
Hi Tom, I just received the Legrandite specimen won on Trinity Auction. It's great! Thanks for the speedy shipping as well. I tried contacting you earlier about it, but I still haven't paid for this specimen! I was waiting to hear how much it would be with shipping. Please let me know, and I'll Paypal the payment over to you. Thanks,
Hi Tom, I received the legrandite in great shape, beautiful! many thanks! PS: bravo for the ardennite, you have many very spetial things. samples like this are not common, even in Belgian shows! Happy easter!
G'day Tom, FANTASTIC, what a magnificent piece of nature's work!. Thankyou very much, this is far better than I exepected, this will take pride of placement in my personal collection. Thanks again NEIL in Australia! P.S. Very well packed and delivered with no damage, a credit to you!
Hi Tom, The piece looks fine to me. By the way, nice packing job. Have you ever thought of taking a part time job of wraping mummy's? Regards,
Hi Tom, Yes, nice specimens. And I'm again waiting for the next big update ;-)
The Butte chalcocite and Pearcite arrived safely. I am very pleased!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Tom! Just letting you know that I received my rock order today and I am SO pleased with both specimens. I'm particularly fond of the Lawsonite; I've been trying to find one for quite some time and this one was well worth the wait. The color is just as I'd hoped! Another fine transaction in every way, Tom ... thanks again!
The Foote mine Fairfieldite arrived yesterday safe and sound. Very nice!! It has a lot of company, it's the 50th Foote mine fairfieldite in my collection.
I now concentrtate my dealings with yourself, Richard Dale,Dan Weinrich and Athos Locatelli -as a group you give the best choice, value and service. Keep up the good work.
Hi. Miranda! Many thanks for your kind email and for your all good minerals informations. Thanks a lot for the donation of the very nice Barite rose desert from USA and yes, Yes, I really like a lot to buy minerals samples from you and in my opinion you is really the best mineral dealer. Thanks a lot for your minerals help with rare and very good minerals species!!!
Hi Tom and Miranda! MB331-9 "one bag of misc specimens" turned out to be a nice selection from Clear Creek claim, CA - including an excellent deanesmithite, very nice edoylerite and edgarbaileyite, likely terlinguaite and the usual cinnabar, and a possible tedhadleyite - will need to get that one checked, of course. Would you happen to know the source of this material? The label was just a small handwritten tag in the small tissue-wrapped package. Thanks for these great specimens!
Hi Morgan - I am so excited to have received my order. The specimens are so beautiful!!! Thank you so much