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Rare Mineral Specimens #3 (Sold Out)

Select Rare Mineral Specimens from the Don Phillips Collection are pre-offered to species collectors by email first & are posted online a day or so later. If you would like to be placed on our species collector list and get a preview of our Rare Mineral Listings, please send us an email at dakotamatrix@gmail.com.

Below is a list of 20 rare minerals from the Don Phillips collection for you to pick and choose. Each are small specimens, less than 1cm or in a capsule, and are either type locality or worldwide rare and have a unique chemistry. This is on a first come first serve basis and these are one of a kind specimens (no duplicates). Please email (dakotamatrix@gmail.com) us your picks ASAP OR Complete the Shopping Cart for your selected items, we expect these to go fast. No photos avaialable.

If you place an order via email you will receive an order confirmation of the samples you got under the name Admin Shopper and will be contacted shortly by one of the DMM team with your total including shipping/handling fees.

If you place an order via the shopping cart you will receive and email confirmation of your order & it can be viewed any time in your User Account.

Bunsenite  SOLD
Johanngeorgenstadt, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
Single dark green to black grain around 1 mm in a cotten packed capsule.  Type

Eggletonite SOLD
Big Rock Quarry, Granite Mountain, Pulaski Co., Arkansas, United States
Cureton Label
Single dark colored grain around .5 mm or so in the bottom of a capsule.
Type Locality and one of only two localities.

Fischesserite SOLD
De Lamar Mine, Owyhee Co., Idaho, United States
Loose sample wrapped in paper (Light sensitive?)
1 cm sample of white matrix containing several small dark metallic grains
of likely Fischesserite. Is marked Van King collection.

Glucine with Moraesite SOLD
Boevskoe Be deposit, Kamensk-Ural'skii, Urals Region, Russia
Capsule contains 2 small grains and a bit of off white powder. Berylphosphates
are a fairly limited group.
Cureton Label.

Hashemite SOLD
Amman, Hashem region, Amman, Jordan
Capsule Specimen, type locality and one of only three localities,
Jordan specimen, a county which specimens are fairly uncommon from.

Irhtemite with Vladimirite SOLD
Ca4Mg(AsO3OH)2(AsO4)2*4(H2O) with Ca5(AsO3OH)2(AsO4)2*5(H2O)
Ightem Mine, Bou Azer District, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco
Little over a centimeter.  Reddish in color with silver grey running though it.
Type and namesake locality.

Imiterite SOLD
Imiter mine, Anti-Atlas Mountains, Morocco
Cureton label
Single flake around a cm, split in half, with one half light grey, the other a
near pink.  An arrow points to the mineral grain. Type locality.

Iriginite SOLD
Cameron, Coconino Co., Arizona, United States
Dark colored matrix in a wax paper bag, around 2 cm. Light colored in one
corner. Weakly Radioactive.

Johnsomervilleite SOLD
Sapucaia mine, Minas Gerias, Brazil
Phosphate from pegmatites, small chip around 7 mm, dark in color, with a
thin off white crust visible on one side. 
Cureton label

Kuznetsovite with Calomel and Mercury SOLD
Hg3Cl(AsO4) with Hg2Cl2 and Hg
Arzak Hg deposit, Pii-Khem dist, Tuva Republic, Russia
Cotton packed capsule containing a sample grain around 3 mm from the type
locality, with only three localities. Interesting Arsenate.

Mandarinoite with Naumannite SOLD
Fe+++2Se3O9*6(H2O) with Ag2Se 
Delamer Placers, Owyhee Co., Idaho, United States
Capsule containing six grains around 1 mm in size, with a amount of powder
present that is roughly equal to the volume of the grains.
Cureton label

Mendozavilite-NaFe SOLD
(Na,Mg)Ca2[Mo6+8P5+2Fe3+3O36(OH)]*n(H2O), n~9
Cumobabi, Cumpas, Sonora, Mexico
Small yellow specimen around 7 mm. Likely type locality.

Ourayite in Galena SOLD
Mun. de Pitiquito, Sonora, Mexico
Loose speciman
Thumbnail sized sample with bright silvery grains surrounding galena. 
Mineralogical Research Co. label

Paraotwayite with Retgersite SOLD
Ni(OH)2-x(SO4,CO3)0.5x x=.5 with NiSO4*6 H20
Vaca Murta meteorite, Taltal, Atacama, Chile
Single grain of green material, loose in the capsule.  Sample is of
meteor origin, making this a unique sample. 
Cureton Label

Petrukite SOLD
Asako-Gun, Hyogo Prefecture, Kinki Region, Honshu Island, Japan
Loose Speciman
Small 5-7 mm sample with submicroscopic amounts of Petrukite, a complex

Prosopite SOLD
Zacatecas, Mexico
Bright blue sample around 1 cm long and 5mm wide in a pill capsule.  Interesting
alteration product of fluorine containing minerals, normally Cryolite or Topaz.

Satimolite SOLD
Caspian Region, Kazakhstan
Two small white grains stuck to the edge of a capsule.  Type and only locality
with an interesting occurrence; a salt dome.

Sazhinite-(Ce) SOLD
Na2Ce[Si6O14(OH)]*n(H2O) with (n >= 1.5)
Kalagorsk, Ural Mountains, Russia
Loose Specimen
Thumbnail specimen, around 1.5 cm on a side, dark grey to black in color, with
white films present on several surfaces, A small unidentified
xl is visible on one surface.
Cureton Label.

Schlossmacherite with Ceruleite SOLD
(H3O,Ca)Al3(AsO4,SO4)2(OH)6 with Cu2Al7(AsO4)4(OH)13*12(H2O)
Emma Luisa Mine, Guanaco, Antofagasta Region, Chile
Loose specimen
Around 1.5 cm specimen with visible green and blue mineralization.  Type
locality for both species represented in the sample.
Cureton Label.

Uchucchacuaite SOLD
Orcopampa, Peru
Loose Specimen
A rare silver sulfasalt with a fairly complex and intresting formula.  Sample
is around 2 cm long with several dark grains to around 2mm.

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