Excellent specimen for micro mineralogy. The Pyroxmangite occurs as superb, pink, bladed crystals to 2mm. With it are exceptional crystals of green Sphalerite to 3mm. Amongst these crystals are white sprays of what I believe are Calcite clusters, brown rounded Rhodochrosite groups and waterclear Quartz crystals.
Tons of massive pink Pyroxmangite was once collected on the dumps. It was originally thought to be Rhodonite but later redefined as Pyroxmangite. Crystals such as these are rare from the Sunnyside. Given the quality of crystals on this specimen, it is doubtful it came from the dump. It was originally from the Fred Bird collection, which Hampson obtained.
The Sunnyside mine is one of Colorado's most famous, and infamous mines. In 1978, the upper workings directly below Lake Emma collapsed sending four million tons of mud through the mine. Fortunately the mine was idle that day and no one was killed. It took two years to clean out the muck.
Crystal System
Crystal Habit
Massive, Massive - Granular
Perfect, Perfect, None
Vitreous - Pearly
pink, rose pink, purplish pink, yellowish red brown, brown