Dark blue crystal sugary grains in light blue Trolleite matrix with probable light blue, bladed, cleaved Kyanite. It is difiicult at best to discern the Scorzalite from Trolleite at least from this deposit. Both of these minerals are common at this deposit, a former aluminum mine. EDS is necessary to determine Trolleite from the Scorzalite.
At Hålsjöberg the phosphates occur in a metamorphic environment with Kyanite. Most other occurences are pegmatitic. Scorzalite form beautiful scendary crystals at Palermo. Scorzalite was originally found at Corrego Frio pegmatite. The second occurence was at the Victory mine near Custer, SD. Moore (Min. Record, 1973) classifies Scorzalite in a pegmatite as a metasomatic product of a primary phase.