Please refer to the prov. tab for information. On the backside of the label you will see it once belonged in the collection of Dr. Gunter Grundmann and verified by Dr. Frank Keutsch.
This is a good example of classic hydrothermal carbonate/sulfide vein filling. There is alot going on and more than meets the eye. The Gudmundite, an iron-antimony sulfide is silvery white in an area of 15 x 5mm within dark red Sphalerite crystals. The Sphalerite crystals are about 1mm in size and can be seen as single equidimensional crystals rimming the Gudmundite. Both of these minerals are encapsulated in Quartz. Outward from the Quartz is a carbonate, probably siderite or ankerite. The sequence is repeated on both sides of the Quartz vein. Textbook example, I wish I had more of this to share.