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Named after the Greek word allos, meaning “another” and the Latin world for “silver,” argentum, in reference to the mineral composition. Allargentum is a rare mineral that occurs in high-grade silver-antimony ores in localities in Canada, the United States, Australia, France, the Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, and Uzbekistan, among only a couple others. Allargentum is associated with silver that contains antimony and mercury, dyscrasite, breithauptite, domeykite, kutinaite, and stephanite.

Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/allargentum.pdf


Named after a corruption of the word alabandicus, which was used to describe stones, likely Almandine, that were found or worked on at the ancient gem cutting center in Alabanda, Turkey, which is also considered the type locality. Almandine is the most common garnet and can be found in hundreds of widespread localities around the world including as fine crystals in localities in Austria, Sweden, Norway, the United States, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Australia, and Japan. Generally found in schist and gneiss that formed from regionally metamorphosed argillaceous sediment and pelites, but can also be found in contact metamorphic hornfels, granites, eclogites, sedimentary rock, and as a detrital mineral.

Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/almandine.pdf

Alsakharovite - (Zn)

Named for Aleksey S. Sakharov, a Russian geologist who worked on the Lovozero massif. Forms as rough, flattened crystals of white to a pale brown. Prismatic crystals form in hydrothermal deposits with natrolite and lamprophyllite at its type and only locality at Lepkhe-Nel’m Mountain in the Lovozero massif on the Kola Peninsula of Russia.

Ref. Minerals and their Localities, Bernard, J.H. and Hyršl, J. (2004)

IMA/CNMNC List of Mineral Names (2009) and Zapiski Vserossiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchetstva 132 (2003) (1), 52

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