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Named for the type locality at the Brosso mine in the Canavese district of Piedmont, Italy where the first specimens were produced from. The only other locality for Canavesite is at the Sterling mine at Sterling Hill in the Franklin District of New Jersey, USA. Canavesite is a secondary mineral that occurs on tunnel surfaces in weathered ludwigite-magnetite skarn at the type locality.

Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/canavesite.pdf


Named for Stanislao Canizzaro, an Italian chemist formerly at the University of Rome in Italy. Cannizzarite is a rare mineral that occurs in sulfide veinlets in a griesen tin-tungsten deposits in granite and is also associated with fumarolic activity. Localities include in Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Russia, Japan, and the United States, among a few others. Associated minerals include lillianite, mozgovaite, kirkiite, barberiite, galenobismutite, bismuthinite, galena, gold, tellurium, wolframite, cassiterite, cosalite, heyrovskyite, bursaite, tetradymite, joseite, bismuth, and quartz.

Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/cannizzarite.pdf


Named to honor amateur mineralogist Benjamin Bartlett Cannon, who was the first to recognize the species. Cannonite is a rare mineral that can be found as an alteration product in copper-bismuth-gold sulfide deposits. The type locality is at the Tunnel Extension No.2 mine in Utah, USA, however newer localities have been found in Canada, Norway Italy, Hungary, France, Austria, the Czech Republic, Japan, and Australia. Minerals associated with Cannonite include covellite, cuprobismutite, bismuthinite, and quartz.

Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/cannonite.pdf


Canutite is a new IMA approved mineral from 2013 and is named in honour of one of Chile's most respected mining engineers, Claudio Canut de Bon Urrutia. Dr. Canut is currently a professor of Geology and Mineralogy at La Serena University 350 miles north of Santiago.

The mineral falls within the Alluaudite Group and is a Sodium-Manganese Arsenate. Canutite is reddish brown or nut brown, monoclinic, and forms tight radial balls and single tabular crystals flattened on {102}. It is associated pink Magnesiokoritnigite, and Lavendulan.

For more information please read IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC) NEWSLETTER 1 8 NEW MINERALS APPROVED IN 2013. The mineral was discovered by Maurizio Dini and investigated/published by the following authors: Anthony R. Kampf, Stuart J. Mills, Frédéric Hatert, Barbara P. Nash, Maurizio Dini, and Arturo A. Molina Donoso - the paper forthcoming.

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