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Named to honor Earl V. Shannon, a former American mineralogist and chemist for the United States National Museum in Washington D.C., USA. Earlshannonite is a rare mineral that occurs as a late-stage secondary mineral in lithium,-rich granite pegmatites. Localities for Earhshannonite include in the United States at the Emmons, Dunton, and Ryerson Hill quarries in Maine and the Foote and LCA mines in North Carolina, in Germany at the Hagendorf Sud pegmatite in Bavaria, in the Czech Republic at Dolni Bory in Moravia and the Huber stock in Bohemia, and in Poland in various pegmatite occurrences in Lower Silesia.

Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/earlshannonite.pdf


Eastonite is a mica group member phyllosilicate and is monoclinic. It is an "ordinary (True or Common) Mica - Trioctahderal. One half of the (T) sites occupied by Al. For more information on Mica minerals and other phyllosilicates please reference our article - Click Here.

Ideally all the Mg in the (M) sites and is actually in the Biotite series, yet is light in color. Previously thought to be a mixture of phlogopite and a new serpentine (AM Feb. '87 v. 72). Per Lauf (Coll. Guide to Mica Group Minerals) "considered by some author's to be aluminous variety of phlogopite.."

Only four localities worldwide (Mindat).


Dr. Edgar Herbert Bailey is the namesake of this mineral as a distinguished geologist and mercury specialist for the United States Geological Survey. Edgarbaileyite is a rare mineral that can be found only in the United States in localities in Arkansas at Funderburk prospect, in California in the Clear Creek claim and Socrates mine, in Nevada in the Red Bird mine, and in Texas in the Mariposa mine. It occurs as a secondary mineral that likely results from the reaction of mercury with quartz in, as of yet, unknown conditions. Edgarbaileyite is photosensitive and will darken under exposure to ultraviolet, infrared, and X-ray radiations as well as under visible light.

Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/edgarbaileyite.pdf


Named for American mineral collector who specialized in mercury minerals, Edward H. Oyler. Edoylerlite is a rare mineral that can be found only at the type locality in the Clear Creek claim in the New Idria district in San Benito County, California, USA. There, it occurs as “a rare alteration product of cinnabar, in a mercury deposit in silicate-carbonate rock hydrothermally altered from serpentinite.” Edoylerite is photosensitive and will alter from its common canary yellow to an olive-green color after several months of exposure to the sunlight.

Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/edoylerite.pdf

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