Mineralpedia Details for Heulandite

Named in honor of John Henry Heuland, an English mineral collector and dealer. Heulandite actually consists of several types which are Heulandite-Ba, -Ca, -K, -Na, and –Sr. The Heulandites are relatively common as a whole and occur in basalt cavities, in weathered andesite and diabase, and as a devitrification product of volcanic glasses and tuffs. It can be found as fine specimens from Iceland, on the Faeroe Islands, Scotland, Switzerland, the United States, Canada, Brazil, India, and Australia among many others.
Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/heulandite.pdf
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Heulandite from Garrawilla Station, Pottinger Co., New South Wales, Australia

Pinkish orange divergent fan composed of thin plates to 2.5cm.
Heulandite from Paterson, Passiac Co., New Jersey, United States

A light tan 1cm crystal group of Heulandite at the center of a matrix of Apophylite and Quartz.