Mineralpedia Details for Pyrochlore

- Formula
- (Na,Ca)2Nb2O6(OH,F)
- Crystal System
- Isometric
- Crystal Habit
- Granular, Disseminated
- Cleavage
- Indistinct, Indistinct, Indistinct
- Luster
- Resinous - Greasy
- Color
- brown, yellowish brown, yellow, greenish brown, reddish brown
- Streak
- yellowish brown
- Class
- Isometric - Hexoctahedral
- Fracture
- Uneven
- Hardness
- 5-5.5
- WebMineral
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Pyrochlore from Oka complex, Oka, Laurentides, Quebec, Canada

Chocolate brownish red octahedral crystals of Pyrochlore, a member of the microlite group.
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