Mineralpedia Details for Celadonite
- Formula
- KMgFe3+Si4O10(OH)2
- Crystal System
- Monoclinic
- Crystal Habit
- Earthy, Aggregates, Encrustations
- Cleavage
- Perfect, None, None
- Luster
- Earthy (Dull)
- Color
- gray green, bluish green
- Streak
- greenish white
- Class
- Monoclinic - Prismatic
- Fracture
- Earthy
- Hardness
- 2
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Celadonite from near Wadsworth, Washoe Co., Nevada, United States
Phyllosilicate - Monoclinic - Mica group member. Ordinary (True or Common) Mica - Dioctahderal. Mostly or ideally (?) aluminum free mica, with Mg & Fe in the (M) positions. For more information on Mica minerals and other phyllosilicates please reference our article - Click Here.
Per (Bernard and Hyrsl) usually as earthy fillings in amygdules and replacement after Augite. Very rare in minute crystals. Also as micaceous scales, widespread in formations of altered volcanic rocks on intermediate basaltic compositions and commonly associated with Montmorillonite.
This is a large chuck of basalt with the typical, dull green earthy celadonite filling amygdules.
Comes with old Hatfield Goudey specimen collected Sept. 9, 1949.
Celadonite from Union Carbide mine, Wilson Springs, Garland Co., Arkansas, United States
Dark green, very tiny, flakes of Celadonite encrusting beautiful yellow and brown banded agate. In some areas of the agate Pyrite crystal to 0.75mm can be seen.