Mineralpedia Details for Florencite-(Ce)

Brazilian mineralogist Dr. William Florence is the namesake of the mineral Florenceite for his early analysis of the mineral. The varietal suffix is for the dominance of the element cerium over other rare earth elements. Florencite-Ce is uncommon, formed as an aplite weathering product in argillized igneous rocks, is authigenic in shale and sandstone, and forms as a reaction between guano-reacted water with gabbros. Florenceite Group has many localities but chemical analysis is required at many localities to determine which species is/are present. Confirmed Florenceite-Ce localities include in Brazil, Canada, Belgium, Wales, Chile, on Ascension Island, Namibia, Malawi, Australia, as well as in marine sediments, and other localities.
Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/florencite-(Ce).pdf
- Formula
- CeAl3(PO4)2(OH)6
- Crystal System
- Trigonal
- Cleavage
- Good, None, None
- Luster
- Resinous - Greasy
- Color
- colorless, gray, light yellow, pink
- Streak
- white
- Class
- Trigonal - Hexagonal Scalenohedral
- Fracture
- Brittle - Conchoidal
- Hardness
- 5-6
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Florencite-(Ce) from Brumado, Bahia, Brazil

Well-formed crystal to 6mm on Magnesite matrix.