Mineralpedia Details for Garronite

- Formula
- NaCa2.5(Si10Al6)O32ยท13H2O
- Crystal System
- Tetragonal
- Crystal Habit
- Acicular, Massive - Fibrous, Radial
- Cleavage
- Good, Good, None
- Luster
- Vitreous (Glassy)
- Color
- colorless, white
- Streak
- white
- Class
- Tetragonal - Dipyramidal
- Fracture
- Uneven
- Hardness
- 4-5
- WebMineral
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- View Garronite
Garronite from Glenariff Valley, Garron Plateau, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland

Tightly packed radial crystals filling amygdules in basalt. Recognized as a new mineral in 1960 and named after Garron Plateau of Northern Ireland. A zeolite.
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