Mineralpedia Details for Beryl
Named for the Greek beryllos, now meaning “beryl,” but previously used in reference to antiquated blue-green stones which may or may not have been Beryl. Beryl is a common mineral that occurs in granite, granite pegmatites, nepheline syenite, mafic metamorphic rocks, hydrothermal veins, and in vugs in rhyolite. Thousands of localities but fine specimens come from localities in Russia, Ukraine, Mozambique, Madagascar, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Colombia, Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the United States. Minerals associated with Beryl include quartz, feldspar, muscovite, lepidolite, spodumene, amblygonite, tourmaline, topaz, cassiterite, columbite, and tantalite. Popular varieties of Beryl that are prized for gemstones are Emerald, Aquamarine, and Morganite.
Ref. Handbook of Mineralogy, Anthony et al (1995) and MSA at http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/beryl.pdf
- Formula
- Be3Al2Si6O18
- Crystal System
- Hexagonal
- Crystal Habit
- Crystalline - Coarse, Prismatic, Columnar
- Cleavage
- Imperfect, None, None
- Luster
- Vitreous - Resinous
- Color
- green, blue, yellow, colorless, pink
- Streak
- white
- Class
- Hexagonal - Dihexagonal Dipyramidal
- Fracture
- Brittle - Conchoidal
- Hardness
- 7.5-8
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Beryl var. Aquamarine from Biansapi, Braldu Valley, Baltistan, Northern Areas, Pakistan
Aquamarine specimen with several gemmy parallel crystals all nicely terminated with a bit of Albite matrix at the base.
Beryl var. Aquamarine from Dassu, Braldu Valley, Balistan, Northern Areas, Pakistan
A small 3.3cm, light colored, gemmy crystal nested perfectly at the center of an Albite crystal with an attached Quartz crystal. There are several smaller crystals about matrix.
Beryl var. Aquamarine from Kala, Darrah Pech, Kunar prov., Afghanistan
Beryl and Columbite in combination with Albite. The two Aquamarines are both about 1.7cm and are perfectly gemmy with a simple pinacoidal termination. The Columbite is a crude, 1.5cm tabular crystal.
Beryl var. Aquamarine from Shah Nassir Peak, Nyet, Braldu Valley, Baltistan, Northern Areas, Pakistan
An Aquamarine Beryl crystal to 6.5 cm along a plate of white Albite matrix. Associated with Schorl (black) Tourmaline.
Beryl var. Aquamarine from Khargulu, near Sabsir, Gilgit-Skardu Road, Northern Areas, Pakistan
A 5cm gemmy, terminated Aquamarine crystal attached to a partial Quartz crystal with a bit of Schorl and Albite.
Beryl var. Aquamarine from Chumar Bakhoor, Nagar, Northern Areas, Pakistan
Beryl and Muscovite. The large 4cm Aquamarine at the center is perfectly clear, gemmy and is nicely terminated with several beveled faces.
Crystallized Muscovite at the base and attached Quartz and a large 3x2cm fully terminated Aquamarine crytstal.
Beryl var. Morganite from Khargulook, near Sabsar, Gilgit-Skardu Rd., Northern Areas, Pakistan
Large pink Morganite Beryl with Albite, terminated at both ends. The crystal is 6cm long and 5cm across the terminated face. Unique to this piece is that the Morganite is actually a green Aquamarine at the center.
Beryl var. Emerald from Khaash Mountain, Badakhshan, Afghanistan
Solid green, opaque, not gem quality, hexagonal crystals to 2cm in matrix.
Beryl var. morganite from Dara-e-Pech, Chapa Dara dist., Kunar Province, Afghanistan
Gemmy light pink Beryl crystals variety morganite in Albite matrix. There are two tabular crystals, the largest is 4.5 x 3.5cm with frosted terminations and perfectly clear prism faces. Beryl does not usually form tabular crystals. This is a good example of morganite Beryl and would make a fine display specimen. Morganite is probably the rarest of Beryl varieties.
Beryl var. aquamarine from Doi Ty mine, Thuong Xuan dist., Thanh Hoa prov., Vietnam
- Special Info
- Gem Quality
A deep aquamarine , gemmy and terminated crystal.
Beryl from Stow, Oxford Co., Maine, United States
Two large Beryl aquamarines one measuring 5cm and the other 3.5cm. It is obviously repaired. It would have been impossible to have broken this specimen from the Quartz matrix without the Beryl coming loose.
Beryl (red) from Wah Wah Mts, Beaver Co., Utah, United States
REd 3-4mm crystals showing many faces with good color.
Beryl var. emerald from Kamar Safed, Bazarak dist., Panjsher prov., Afghanistan
beryl, variety emerald prismatic crystals to1.5cm in the matrix.
Beryl var. aquamarine from near Camp Lake, Elmore Co., Idaho, United States
A very good thumbnail size terminated Beryl from the Chris van Laer collection.
Beryl var. aquamarine from s. of Heart Lake, Elmore Co., Idaho, United States
- Special Info
- Chris van Laer collection
Gemmy, etched, terminated Beryl aquamarine crystal with nice blue color.
Beryl var. aquamarine from Sawtooth Range, Custer Co., Idaho, United States
A fabulous, first class, thumbnail collected by Geary Murdock and purchased by Chris van Laer in 1984. The aquamarine is complexly terminated and is 1.2mm on Albite matrix. Excellent specimen showing a rich blue color.
Beryl var. aquamarine from Nuristan prov., Afghanistan
Light aquamarine, prismatic crystal to 3cm with complex termination.
A very nice group of five light green Beryl crystals the longest to 2.2cm. All terminated, a few smaller aside for the five largest.
Beryl var. aquamarine from Ardeth Lake, Boise Co., Idaho, United States
Dark blue naturally corroded Beryl crystal.
Beryl var. aquamarine from Upper Cramer Lake, Custer Co., Idaho, United States
A single blue terminated crystal.
Beryl from Gillette quarry, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, United States
An old-timer collected by Hampson in 1945 with good faint pink color and 4 crystal faces. The core of the Beryl is a light green color.
Beryl from Schoonmaker mine, Strickland pegmatite, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, United States
An unusual specimen of Beryl with a tabular zone of light pink, "morganite" and a majority of the rest of the matrix being light yellow "heliodor". None of it is gemmy, only a translucent, sugary texture. Minor Quartz and Albite. Collected by Hampson in 1943.
Beryl from Gilgit dist., Gilgit-Baltistan, Northern Areas, Pakistan
Showy, gemmy aquamarine crystal with a good termination showing beveled edges. It is naturally incomplete on one side.
Beryl from Bighorn Crags, Lemhi Co., Idaho, United States
Deep blue aquamarine crystal section. Some good prism faces both no terminations.
Beryl from Boulder Batholith, Silver Bow Co., Montana, United States
Aquamarine Beryl capping Microcline. The largest Beryl is about 6mm. Some are included with Tourmaline.
Beryl from Mt. Antero, Chaffee Co., Colorado, United States
An excellent aquamarine Beryl crystal, terminated, with good color and a little Quartz by its side.
Beryl from Hale quarry, Portland, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, United States
Large light green, terminated crystal to 6cm exposed in white Albite matrix with garnets.
Beryl from Strickland pegmatite, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, United States
- Special Info
- Illustrated in London's book "Pegmatites"
Color zoned Beryl from light green at the center to light yellow along the rim. Associated with Albite. Illustrated on page 80, Fig. 4-20g.
Beryl from Tanco pegmatite, Bernic Lake, Manitoba, Canada
A portion a light pink beryl crystal in Quartz and Albite matrix.
Beryl from Bikita Pegmatite, Masvingo dist., Zimbabwe
Large impressive specimen of light pink Beryl, variety morganite.
Berylium averages about 3ppm in the Earth's crust. But in pegmatites it is relatively common in lithium-cesium-tantalum (LCT) pegmatites. It is one of the first to crystallize and can be found in just about any zome in zoned pegmatites.