Mineralpedia Details for Agrellite

- Formula
- NaCa2Si4O10F
- Crystal System
- Triclinic
- Crystal Habit
- Lath
- Cleavage
- Perfect, Perfect, Poor
- Luster
- Vitreous - Pearly
- Color
- white, grayish white, greenish white
- Streak
- white
- Class
- Triclinic - Pinacoidal
- Hardness
- 5.5
- WebMineral
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Agrellite from Kipawa alkaline complex, Quebec, Canada

- Special Info
- Fluorescent,Type Locality
Platy & pearly silvery white compact crystalline matrix of mostly Agrellite, This is the type locality for this sodium rich silicate. As the locality name implies, it is a sodium rich environment. Also contains red crystals of Eudialyite, brown Britholite and Aegerine.
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