Rare Mineral Specimens - search page
- Availability
- Available
- Price
- $75.00
- Locality
- Silver Crater mine, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada
- Formula
- A2(Ti,Nb)2O6Z
- Size
- 2 x 2 x 2 cm - Thumbnail
- Special Info
- Radioactive!!
Once known simply as the mineral species, Betafite, now in a complex mineral group called the Betafite group, which belongs to the super group of Pyrochlores with a complicated nomenclature. Compositionally, Betafites are oxides of titanium and niobium with variable subtitutions of cations uranium and calcium in the A position and variable amounts of anions O, OH, H2O, or F in the Z position.
This specimen, like the others show the cubic and octahedral forms with sharp edges.
- Availability
- Available
- Price
- $25.00
- Locality
- Namib Desert, Namibia
- Formula
- CaBi2O2(CO3)2
- Size
- 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm - Thumbnail
Light yellow powdery to crystalline crust.
- Availability
- Available
- Price
- $25.00
- Featured
- Featured in Special Editions
- Locality
- Esquire #7 claim, Big Creek, Fresno Co., California, United States
- Formula
- BaSi2O5·4H2O
- Size
- 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm - Thumbnail
- Tagged
- Ba Silicates, barium
- Special Info
- Type Locality
Striated and colorless Bigcreekite.
- Availability
- Available
- Price
- $30.00
- Featured
- Featured in Special Editions
- Locality
- Esquire #7 claim, Big Creek, Fresno Co., California, United States
- Formula
- BaSi2O5·4H2O
- Size
- 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm - Thumbnail
- Tagged
- Ba Silicates, barium
- Special Info
- Type Locality
This is a small specimen but contains excellent crystallized Bigcreekite in a "veinlet" about 1mm. The Bigcreekite is colorless and striated.
Bigcreekite is only found in California.
This specimen as well as most of the others in the Special Edition was identified by the expert on the barium-silicates, the late Robert Walstrom.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Foote mine, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, United States
- Formula
- LiAlSi2O6·H2O
- Size
- 4.5 x 4.5 x 2 cm - Miniature
- Tagged
- pegmatite mineral, lithium
Slender, bladed Bikitaite crystals to 8mm on purple Fluorapatite. Excellent rich specimen.
- Availability
- Available
- Price
- $75.00
- Reduced Price
- $45.00
- Locality
- Clara mine, Wolfach, Schwarzwald, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
- Formula
- Ag7AsS6
- Size
- .9 x .6 x 1 cm - Thumbnail
- Tagged
- sulfide, silver
There are at least three individual crystals on this specimen. All are in the range of 0.1 to 0.2mm in size. Each are blocky and dull black and are associated with colorless Fluorite. Billingsleyite is a fairly rare mineral and is found at only 12 localities acrsos the world.