Mineral Specimen and Product Inventory Search
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- Silverfields mine, Cobalt dist., Ontario, Canada
- Formula
- PbS
- Size
- 9.5 x 8 x 1 cm - Cabinet
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- Ore Minerals
Excellent slab of Galena with Arsenopyrite and Chalcopyrite mostly likely from Petruk's group 5 mineralization, the Fe-As assemblage. This assemblage is characterized be a high content of Arsenopyrite. Cobalt was a world class Silver deposit which was discovered by a blacksmith in 1903. The pop-up photos show some unique and unusual ore textures.
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- Bogala mine, Sabaragamuwa Prov., Sri Lanka
- Formula
- C
- Size
- 8 x 5 x 10 cm - Cabinet
- Tagged
- Ore Minerals
Piece of silvery-gray soft foliated Graphite.
According to the the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010 Graphite production in Sri Lanka was 3,437 metric tons.
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- Nunatak prospect at Muir Inlet, Juneau dist., Alaska
- Formula
- MoS2
- Size
- 7 x 5 x 5 cm - Sm Cabinet
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- Ore Minerals
The Nunatak Molybdenum deposit consists of stockworks of quartz-molybdenite veins in skarn forming a large low-grade molybdenum deposit. The deposit was discovered and staked in 1941. The molybdenum mineralization consists mostly of closely-spaced quartz veins containing rosettes of Molybdenite crystal much like this specimen. The rosettes on this specimen are to 2cm across.
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- Los Chicharones prospect, Sinaloa, Mexico
- Formula
- MoS2
- Size
- 8 x 6 x 3 cm - Sm Cabinet
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- Ore Minerals
This locality is not necessarily an ore deposit that I am aware of, but the occurrence certainly exemplifies the natures of some of the ore textures found in copper porphyries. This specimen shows good colloform habit of Quartz veins lined with flakes of Molybdenite and Pyrite. There are three pieces that come with this specimen.
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- Bear Meadow Adit, Quartz Hill deposit, Ketchikan district, Alaska, United States
- Formula
- NiAs
- Size
- 11.5 x 6 x 3 cm - Cabinet
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- Ore Minerals
All of the Cobalt specimens in this update probably originated from a study conducted in the 1960's. The results were summarized in the landmark publication "The Silver - Arsenides Deposits of the Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Ontario" edited by L. G. Berry with major contributions by W. Petruk and J. L. Jambor. On page 108, Petruk describes the five assemblages of mineralization at Cobalt. This specimen clearly fits into group #1, the Nickel-Arsenide assemblage characterized by complex botryoidal masses of Nickeline inter-growths with Breithauptite, Safflorite and Cobaltite. The minerals form concentric layers and it would be impossible to differentiate visually all the minerals without a thorough microprobe study. Looking closely at the ore, one can see the plumose-texture characteristic of all of these ore specimens. It is sawed flat and polished on one side.
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- Locality
- Cobalt-Gowganda dist., Ontario, Canada
- Formula
- NiAs
- Size
- 9 x 7 x 2 cm - Sm Cabinet
- Tagged
- Ore Minerals
Classic nickel arsenide assemblage as described by Petruk in "The Silver-Arsenide Deposits of Cobalt...", This specimen shows the plumose ore texture so typical of Cobalt but mostly composed of brassy colored Breithauptite and Nickeline with a distinct rose hue. This assemblage was found most prevalent in at the ends, tops and bottoms of most veins. Excellent specimen showing also the Dolomitic gangue. It is sawed flat on one side and shows natural breakage on the other.