Search Archived Mineral Specimens
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- Locality
- Långban, Filipstad, Värmland, Sweden
- Formula
- AsS
- Size
- Miniature 4x2.5x2cm
- Tagged
- sulfide
Realgar is actually quite rare at Langban. This specimen is probably the second occurence as noted in the Langban book by Bollmark with Realgar in granular hematite. There are actually good prismatic crystal forms on this specimen one of which is a nicely terminated crystal sticking straight up. By all considerartions this is likely a very nice specimen from Langban. Associated with the Realgar are white, acicular or fibrous crystals within many of the vugs.
- Availability
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- Locality
- King Co., Washington, United States
- Formula
- AsS
- Size
- Thumbnail 1x1.5x0.5cm
- Tagged
- sulfide
A small thumbnail specimen with two perfect gemmy red Realgar crystals to 4mm perched on matrix. Superb little crystals!
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- Sold
- Locality
- Getchell mine, Humboldt Co., Nevada, United States
- Formula
- AsS
- Size
- Cabinet 13x6x7cm
- Tagged
- sulfide
Large specimen of fracture filled cherry red Realgar, the largest crystal to 3cm with dozens of yellow 2-4mm Orpiment crystals.
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- Locality
- Hagendorf-Süd, Oberpfälzer Wald, Bavaria, Germany
- Formula
- Mn2+3(PO4)2ยท3H2O
- Size
- Miniature 3.8x3.5x1.2cm
- Tagged
- phosphate , pegmatite mineral
Light brown lustrous pseudo-octahedral crystals of Reddignite to 5mm with pink Hureaulte. Excellent specimem.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Saranovskii mine, Urals Region, Russia
- Formula
- BaxCr2xTi4+8-2xO16
- Size
- SmCabinet 6x5x2cm
Redledgeite is a very rare mineral chromium-titanium oxide of the Hollandite group and is found in only three localities worldwide. This locality is perhaps the best. This specimen is extremely rich with thick patches of pistachio green acicular crystaks to about 1mm. The purple mineral is Shuiskite.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Red Ledge mine, Nevada Co., California, United States
- Formula
- BaxCr2xTi4+8-2xO16
- Size
- Miniature 3.5x4x3cm
- Tagged
- oxide
- Special Info
- Type Locality
Very rich specimen with Redledgeite occuring as green-yellow crusts with dark green-black needles of Redledeite covering an area of 1.5cm with a smaller <1cm patch.