Search Archived Mineral Specimens
- Availability
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- Locality
- Parker Shaft, Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey, United States
- Formula
- BaBe2Si2O7
- Size
- SmCabinet 7x6x6cm
- Tagged
- beryllium
- Special Info
- Fluorescent
- Special Info
- XRD Confirmed
Light grey massive Barylite exhibiting a blue fluorecence associated with white barium feldspar and Grossular garnet as "caswellite". Albanese tag. Eventhough the old tag on this specimen indicates that it was tested by XRD, it has come to light by some experts that specimens of this type may have been incorrectly identified.
- Availability
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- Featured in Special Editions
- Locality
- Hackmann Valley, Yukspor Mt, Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia
- Formula
- BaBe2Si2O7
- Size
- Miniature 5x2.5x3cm
- Tagged
- beryllium
- Special Info
- XRD Confirmed
- Special Info
- EDS Confirmed
A 9mm stellate grouping of white Barylite crystals. Identified by Dr. Igor Pekov. Barlite is one of eight known barium-beryllium minerals.