Search Archived Mineral Specimens
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Paratoo Cu mine, Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia, Australia
- Formula
- Y4Cu(CO3)4Cl(OH)5·2H2O
- Size
- SmCabinet 6x5x1.5cm
- Tagged
- carbonate , copper , REE mineral
Bright sky blue globular crystal aggregtes to 0.75mm and as large patches or crusts 3 x4mm in area. Decrespignyite-(Y) is a yttrium - copper bearing REM and a carbonate. It is according to Mindat composed of individual tiny pseudohexagonal, often curved platelets. It is found at only one locality worldwide.
As noted by the mineral name, Decrespignyite-(Y), contains the rare-earth element yttrium. Major applications of yttrium are extensive and include fluorescent lamps, phosphor compounds in computer monitirs, lasers, lighting applications, abrasives, bearings, and high-temperature alloys amongst others. Recent cost for yttrium oxide in 2019 was $14/lb down from $65/1b in 2011. The main source for yttrium is China, but worldwide reserves are found in Australia, Brazil, and India.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Paratoo Cu mine, Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia, Australia
- Formula
- Y4Cu(CO3)4Cl(OH)5·2H2O
- Size
- Miniature 4.5x4x1.5cm
- Tagged
- carbonate , REE mineral
- Special Info
- Type & Only Locality
Bright sky blue globular to spheroidal crytstal groups. Excellent coverage.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Campbell Shaft, Cochise Co., Arizona, United States
- Formula
- CuFeO2
- Size
- Miniature 4x5x3cm
- Tagged
- copper
Black botryoidal Delafossite with tiny, less than 1mm octahedral Cuprite crystals scattered amongst with the backside covered by deep blue Azurite crystals (backside not pictured, but rich!).
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Musonoi mine, Kolwezi, Shaba Cu belt, DR of Congo
- Formula
- Pb2Cu5(UO2)2(Se4+O3)6(OH)6·2H2O
- Size
- Miniature 4.5x4x3cm
- Tagged
- copper
- Special Info
- XRD Confirmed
Dark green tiny prismatic crystals, less than 1mm, of Demesmaekerite (XRD) in with Guilleminite (yellow) and mustard yellow plates of Marthozite. A good specimen. Ex. William Pinch. The matrix is selenium Digenite. Radioactive. Older labels (see prov. tab)
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Musonoi mine, Kolwezi, Shaba Cu belt, DR of Congo
- Formula
- Cu4(UO2)(Se4+O3)2(OH)6
- Size
- SmCabinet 5.5x4x3.5cm
- Tagged
- copper
- Special Info
- Radioactive!!
Rich, excellent specimen of Derriksite with a few other goodies. The Derriksite, at the red arrows, is glassy, dark green, somewhat prismatic crystals around 1mm and in clusters to from 2-4mm. The Demesmaekerite, at the orange arrows, is an olive green elongated crystals to 3mm. The Chalcomenite is a beautiful glassy blue color at the blue arrow. It is an ex William Pinch specimen.