Search Archived Mineral Specimens
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Grube Maischacht., Klingenthal, Saxony, Germany
- Formula
- (Co,Fe,Ni)As2
- Size
- SmCabinet 6x4.5x2cm
- Tagged
- ore mineral , sulfide
Exceptional specimen of rare nickel sulfides showing the arborescent growth of several minerals overgrowing the next. I cannot tell which is which. There is also Bismuth in the mix. Remarkably similar to Cobalt, Ontario, Canada. The backside is rough.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Langis mine, Cobalt dist., Ontario, Canada
- Formula
- (Co,Fe,Ni)As2
- Size
- SmCabinet 9x7x1.5cm
- Tagged
- ore mineral , nickel
A great ore specimen showing the arborecent crystallization of Safflorite in 1cm rods suspended in hard Calcite matrix. At the tips of the Safflorite is the remaining phase of Nickeline marking the depletion of cobalt. On the flip side you can see the alterations to probably Annabergite. It is a slice on one side. You will have endless hours of studying the ore development under the microscope.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Castle-Trethewey mine, Cobalt, Haultain Twp,.Ontario, Canada
- Formula
- (Co,Fe,Ni)As2
- Size
- Cabinet 12.5x7x6cm
- Tagged
- sulfide , ore specimen
A large, heavy specimen of suspended branching silvery Safflorite with cores of Nickeline. A fine example of cobalt-nickel mineralization and ore habits. It is sawed on three sides.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Castle-Trethewey mine, Cobalt, Haultain Twp,.Ontario, Canada
- Formula
- (Co,Fe,Ni)As2
- Size
- Cabinet 11x6x3.5cm
- Tagged
- nickel
Arborescent and herringbone crystallization of Safflorite in 4cm rods suspended in matrix. Nickeline has replaced some of the cores of the Safflorite rods. Truly an amazing specimen with interesting ore genesis and great for ore microscopy. The face is sawed flat. The flip side is natural and rough.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Silverfields mine, Cobalt dist., Ontario, Canada
- Formula
- (Co,Fe,Ni)As2
- Size
- SmCabinet 6.5x4.5x3cm
- Tagged
- sulfide
A great ore specimen with a Calcite 3cm wide infiltrated by the cobalt and nickel arsenide.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Mountain Pass mine, San Bernardino Co., California, United States
- Formula
- Ce2Mg(CO3)4
- Size
- Thumbnail 0.9x0.6x0.6cm
- Tagged
- carbonate , REE mineral
- Special Info
- Type Locality
Small specimen with tan-brown colored Sahamalite-Ce that is partially replacing the Bastnaesite-Ce.
Identified by Dr. Igor Pekov.