Search Archived Mineral Specimens
- Availability
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- Locality
- Svornost mine, Jáchymov, Erzgebirge, Bohemia, Czech Republic
- Formula
- (Mo6+O2)2As3+2O5·3H2O
- Size
- Thumbnail 1.5x1x1cm
- Special Info
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An excellent, rich specimen rich in light green crystals of Vajdakite showing good crystals in open vugs.
Vajdakite (IMA No. 1998–031) is named after Josef Vajdak of Pequa Rare Minerals, Massapequa, New York, USA, in recognition of his significant contributions to mineralogical research on the Jáchymov ore district. Vajdakite is a monoclinic molybdenum bearing arsenide which occurs in veins associated with arsenic, scorodite, annabergite, nickelskutterudite, löllingite, and köttigite.
For more information see http://rruff.info/rruff_1.0/uploads/CM41_1309.pdf
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Loolekop pipe, Palabora mine, Phalaborwa, Limpopo, South Africa
- Formula
- 2[(Fe,Cu)S]·1.53[(Mg,Al)(OH)2]
- Size
- Miniature 5x4x2cm
- Tagged
- copper
Brassy, platey Vallerrite, which flashes along cleavages wihen tilting back and forth. Good specimen.
- Availability
- Sold
- Locality
- Whitehorse Cu Belt, Whitehorse dist., Yukon Territory, Canada
- Formula
- 2[(Fe,Cu)S]·1.53[(Mg,Al)(OH)2]
- Size
- Cabinet 12x8x8cm
- Tagged
- sulfide
Large ore specimen loaded with mostly bronze colored Valleriite as shown in the photos. Also in association is Magnetite, which constitutes most of the matrix and perhaps a bit of Pyrrhotite. Bornite is also present as large crystal grains showing the typical blue iridescence. A great rich piece which has obviously had some work done analytically as you can see the sawed flat side. Looking closely at this specimen you can also detect some parallel fabric, which may be slickenside surfaces. Whitehorse Copper belt is an important historic Yukon mining district with reserves in the hundreds of millions of dollars.