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Your Mineral Want List


Tired of browsing countless websites looking for a particular mineral? The Dakota Matrix website allows each registered customer to submit a want list (minerals you have to have in your collection). The Dakota Matrix website will then automatically send you TWO notices by email notifying you when we are getting ready to post one of your minerals and then again when we post a mineral on the website. Click here to learn about the Mineral Want List. It's an easy three step process!! How wise is that?

Geology Sites to Visit


Planning your vacation this summer? View where to see geological and mineral sites in the USA

GeoSites, Geological Sites

Benefits of signing-up for a User Account!


Want Lists, Queuing Orders, Viewing Past Orders & Downloading Photos are a few of the many benefits of creating a Registered User Account! Check our page for all the Benefits of signing-up for a User Account!

How to "Queue" (HOLD) your orders on Dakota Matrix


Here's an informative article on how you can save on shipping with Dakota Matrix. You can have us hold your orders until you are ready to ship!


Tsumeb mine minerals


Release Notification

Gallery - Tsumeb I
Released - 7/31/2013 3:02:09 PM
Quantity - 35

PD35049 - Dioptase

PD35053 - Calcite

PD35054 - Calcite

PD35057 - Schaurteite

35147 - Karibibite

35155 - Renierite

35227 - Cerussite

PD35783 - Dundasite

PD36431 - Cuprite

PD36466 - Mimetite

PD36467 - Adamite

36468 - Eugenite

PD36469 - Smithsonite

PD36470 - Scorodite

PD36471 - Jamesite

PD36472 - Sohngeite

PD36473 - Olivenite

PD36474 - Bayldonite

PD36476 - Dioptase

PD36478 - Wulfenite

PD36480 - Aragonite

PD36481 - Anglesite

PD36482 - Willemite

PD36483 - Dolomite

PD36485 - Heterogenite

PD36486 - Chalcocite

PD36487 - Chalcocite

PD36488 - Dolomite

PD36489 - Adamite

PD36496 - Keyite

35151 - Agardite-(Ce)

PD36448 - Molybdofornacite

PD36477 - Baryte

PD36484 - Dolomite

PD36520 - Dolomite


Paratoo Rare Earth Element Minerals


Release Notification

Gallery - Paratoo REE Minerals
Released - 7/19/2013 2:00:49 PM
Quantity - 5

36352 - Decrespignyite-(Y)

36371 - Kamphaugite-(Y)

36373 - Kamphaugite-(Y)

36380 - Tengerite-(Y)

36381 - Tengerite-(Y)



Release Notification

Gallery - Bastnasite-(La)
Released - 7/18/2013 2:59:37 PM
Quantity - 5

36340 - Bastnasite-(La)

36341 - Bastnasite-(La)

36343 - Bastnasite-(La)

36345 - Bastnasite-(La)

36346 - Bastnasite-(La)

Rare Earth Minerals


Rare Element Resources plans to mine rare earth minerals in the Bear Lodge Mountains. This is awesome and I can't wait until the mining begins! http://www.rareelementresources.com/s/Home.asp

People, Jobs, Economy, Money is what it's about. WDEQ and company professionals will take care of the rest.

Micas and Other Phyllosilicates


A short article on micas and other phyllosilicate minerals click here to supplement our Micaceous Minerals Special Edition.

Mineral Maps and Books!


In addition to selling minerals, we also carry a variety of products relating to the mineralogy, history, and geology of the Black hills, in addition to other non mineral products. We have maps of mining ghost towns, historical mineral information, and periodic tables of elements, using minerals as examples.  Take a look at our Maps and Books section.

All photos by Dakota Matrix and are Copyrighted © and may not be used without permission. Copyright © 2025 - Dakota Matrix Minerals, Inc. Privacy | Terms & Conditions | Site Map