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Posted Just Now! Collector Quality Rare Minerals


Release Notification

Gallery - Rare Minerals
Released - 4/23/2024 6:03:30 PM
Quantity - 35

BN49567 - Gatumbaite

BN61872 - Mitridatite

BAC61873 - Ranunculite

BAC61874 - Althupite

61875 - Triangulite

BN61878 - Strengite

61879 - Althupite

BAC63144 - Mundite

BAC63243 - Kupcikite

63367 - Vanmeersscheite

63642 - Katiarsite

63648 - Pilipenkoite

63660 - Chegemite

63670 - Chkalovite

63676 - Gugiaite

63707 - Stibiotantalite

63708 - Vismirnovite

BAC63765 - Vinciennite

AH63984 - Hemimorphite

AH63985 - Strontianite

BW63991 - Camaronesite

BAC64004 - Taneyamalite

BAC64005 - Pretulite

BAC64006 - Ixiolite

BAC64007 - Derriksite

BAC64008 - Thorutite

BAC64009 - Grumiplucite

64010 - Koutekite

CL64011 - Eskimoite

BAC64012 - Dufrenoysite

BAC64019 - Strunzite

BAC64020 - Andrewsite

BAC64021 - Gormanite

BAC64022 - Schafarzikite

BAC64023 - Arsenopyrite


Rare Minerals for Sale


Gallery - Rare Minerals for Collectors
Released - 6/14/2022 5:30:08 PM

58646 - Stokesite

58647 - Christite

58648 - Jankovicite

58649 - Zanazziite

58650 - Schultenite

See our latest Mineral List offered on Dakota Matrix.


Rare and Fine minerals from Dakota Matrix.


42235 - Pellyite

PD42240 - Sanbornite

PD42276 - Macdonaldite

42759 - Krauskopfite

44428 - Creedite

46436 - Chrysoberyl

BN51680 - Acanthite

AH52016 - Mimetite

AH53137 - Corundum

54988 - Maskelynite

55149 - Natrolite

55150 - Pectolite

55151 - Phurcalite

WR55153 - Enstatite

55154 - Pyrargyrite

55159 - Ixiolite

55174 - Pyrargyrite

55178 - Pyrargyrite

55183 - Amphibole

WR55184 - Arsenopyrite

WR55185 - Sphalerite

WR55186 - Fluorapatite

55187 - Columbite-(Fe)

WR55188 - Wulfenite

WR55189 - Weloganite

WR55190 - Dolomite

WR55191 - Anglesite

WR55192 - Azurite

WR55193 - Wavellite

55194 - Rhodochrosite

55195 - Grossular

55198 - Gillardite

19900 - Strengite

55201 - Tellurobismuthite

BN55200 - Polybasite


Rare Minerals from Russia


We placed Rare Russian Minerals for sale on Dakota Matrix

Gallery - Rare Minerals for Sale
Released - 10/21/2019 6:00:34 PM
Quantity - 5

44168 - Umbozerite

46478 - Potassicpargasite

50450 - Alumoklyuchevskite

50488 - Nabokoite

50501 - Vladimirivanovite


Arnold G. Hampson Collection


In September, 2019, Dakota Matrix acquired the Arnold G. Hampson collection. Arnold was a major contributor to the study of minerals having been a field collector since age 11. He was also inducted into the Micromounters Hall of Fame not to mention several first place awards for displaying at numerous shows. Mr. Hampson cataloged over 3000 specimens and had thousands in field collected flats and hundreds that were not cataloged. He collected east coast, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and elswhere.

Read Arnold Hampson full biography.


Tsumeb Minerals


Fine Mineral Specimens. Specializing in rare species and minerals.


Posted Five Rare Mineral Species Today

Gallery - Mixed Minerals
Released - 7/24/2018 7:01:58 PM
Quantity - 5

41301 - Kasolite

49480 - Tetrahedrite

49481 - Pyromorphite

49482 - Zircon

29900 - Cacoxenite

Tsumeb Minerals Special Edition


We will soon publish another Special Edition featuring rare minerals from the famous Tsumeb mine. Please download our exclusive Dakota Matrix Notifier to be instantly notified of publication. Click https://www.dakotamatrix.com/mineral-galleries/specialeditions/upcoming to download the Notifier.

Thumbnail Minerals


Release Notification

Gallery - Thumbnail Thursday
Released - 4/19/2018 6:31:09 PM
Quantity - 5

BM48619 - Rhodizite

BN48829 - Wulfenite

BN48832 - Elbaite

BN48833 - Scheelite

BN48842 - Grossular

Fine Minerals for your Collection


Collector Minerals just posted:

Release Notification

Gallery - Mixed Minerals
Released - 3/23/2018 7:01:27 PM
Quantity - 33

39907 - Sincosite

46607 - Hewettite

48345 - Copper

48399 - Veszelyite

48400 - Dolomite

48407 - Jouravskite

48416 - Chalcopyrite

48420 - Baryte

48422 - Bournonite

48428 - Bournonite

48432 - Arsenopyrite

48454 - Lepidolite

RW48596 - Gahnite

RW48597 - Cooperite

48600 - Arsenopyrite

RW48607 - Anglesite

48609 - Vanoxite

RW48613 - Wulfenite

RW48614 - Tyuyamunite

PD48620 - Bassetite

48621 - Torbernite

48622 - Vanadinite

48623 - Cerchiaraite-(Fe)

48624 - Morinite

48625 - Mimetite

PD48628 - Nickeline

48633 - Bobdownsite

RW48634 - Azurite

48635 - Sincosite

DO48640 - Sincosite

PD36712 - Claudetite

17195 - Olivenite

PD30860 - Atelestite


All photos by Dakota Matrix and are Copyrighted © and may not be used without permission. Copyright © 2025 - Dakota Matrix Minerals, Inc. Privacy | Terms & Conditions | Site Map