mineral specimens
rare minerals
mineral dealer
systematic minerals
Black Hills minerals
fine minerals
mineral dealer
Dana minerals
IMA minerals
mineral collections
rock and minerals
gem crystal
0 item @ $0.00  

Solutions & Tips for Website Problems

Hello valued DMM customers!

Since we went live with our new website a couple weeks ago we have been amazed by the loyalty of our customers and their willingness to stick with us as we squash the bugs that seem to crawl out of the invisible cracks in the web and work out the inevitable kinks. For that, we thank you all!

Our new website is a very dynamic and high-tech website with an immense database that was designed with the future of Dakota Matrix as one of the premier online dealers in mind.  We want to offer our customers an easy and interactive experience when they shop for minerals and we are positive that after a period of adjustment our customers will really like all the new features.

However, we are aware that not all of you have the newest computers or the latest versions of internet browsers and you may not have full access to what the website now has to offer. Over the last couple weeks we have been contacted by some of our customers because they are having trouble creating a New User Account, logging into their account, and/or viewing our Galleries and photos. We’d like to offer a few solutions to those problems and offer some other tips so you can fully utilize all the new features and see how awesome the new site looks, especially our photos!

Take a look at the following suggestions & solutions and please email us anytime at dmmcart@gmail.com or dakotamatrix@gmail.com  OR call us at 605-718-9130 Monday-Friday 9:30am-5:30pm US Mtn time with questions or comments!

Your dedicated DMM mineral dealers,

Tom (CEO, master of ceremony & janitor), Miranda (web manager & rock lady), Morgan (the newbie Geologist) & the rest of the DMM family ;)


Problem #1: Unable to view or having trouble viewing our Gallery pages and/or photos?

Solution: The most likely reason that you would have any issue viewing, surfing, looking at photos, etc on our website is your internet browser’s version. This website was designed to best be viewed in the most current browsers of Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari etc., whatever your preference. Fortunately this is an easy fix and will only require a simple download – below are the links to download updated versions of the top four internet browsers.

DOWNLOAD Mozilla Firefox

DOWNLOAD Internet Explorer

DOWNLOAD Google Chrome



Problem #2:  I’ve created a New User Account but cannot log-in?

Solution: When you created an account on the DMM website you should have received a confirmation email with a URL link to follow to confirm your account. If the URL is not linked simply copy & paste the ENTIRE URL into the URL bar at the top of your browser window (where the web address www is located).

After you have confirmed your account you should be able to successfully Log-in to your User Account by going to the www.dakotamatrix.com Home Page and clicking the Login Link at the Top of the page (See Figure 1 Below)

FIGURE 1: Login & Register Links on the DMM Home Page

If you can NOT see the links in Figure 1 you may need to download an updated internet browser, see the Solution to Problem #1 above for links to do so.

 If you still experience issues logging in please send us an email at dmmcart@gmail.com anytime OR call us at 605-718-9130 Moday-Friday 9:30-5:00 US Mtn Time and we will be happy to assist you.


Problem #3: How do I view my Orders, manage Queued Orders or manage my Favorites and Want Lists?

Solution: First, log-in to your User Account and when you have successfully logged in you will see a link that says My Account where the Login link was located. This panel is your User Account Dashboard (Figure 2 below) where you will be able to view your Past Orders, manage and release your Queued Orders AND manage your Addresses, Favorites and Want List. We encourage you to take some time to look at what you can do in your User Account Dashboard so you understand the new capabilities and features your User Account has to offer.

FIGURE 2: User Account Dashboard Links & Features







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