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Your Mineral Wish/Want List

A "Want List" with Dakota Matrix Minerals

One of the best features of the Dakota Matrix Website is the ability to automatically notify you TWO times if we are about to upload a mineral on your "Want List". No other website has this ability. 

The Dakota Matrix Want List feature allows the customer to input up to 20 minerals, one at a time, into a module contained in your account area. All you need is to register for an accoount (upper right corner).

Once you input your list, the website will send you an email when we are about to place one of your minerals online. The website will send you another email, when we release the mineral to one of our galleries. Here are the three simple steps.


STEP ONE: LOGIN or Register for an Account.



STEP TWO: In the upper right of the website, Click on "My Account"  and click on WANT LIST


Type in one mineral at a timefrom your list. Do not use hyphens, prefixes or suffixes to mineral names.
Always use just the "root" mineral name.



As much as we would like to keep track of every customer's want list, it is just impossible to constantly compare our ever changing stock with a the want list you might provide us. The above method allows us to help manage your want list requests. We hope you like this feature! If you have any questions, please let us know dmmcart@gmail.com or dakotamatrix@gmail.com

Happy Rock Hunting!!


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