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2 items @ $85.00  

Mineral News Letter May 31, 2013

Dakota Matrix Minerals 
Building Mineral Collections Since 1998
May 31, 2013
Friday - May 31 at 8PM Mtn Time
Note: See "Spot" Offers Below..way below...
Aquamarine Beryl
Aquamarine Beryl

Just released! Thirty nine new additions from the Phillips collection and a few surprises.


Follow us on Twitter and get tipped off what will be on that day's Daily Five.

We are likely the most updated mineral website on the Internet. Every week day we offer Five minerals as part of our "Daily Five" gallery. We don't really have a set schedule when we release these, and we don't announce their release . So it is best to check back often.

At times these Daily Five galleries follow a theme. This week we posted minerals from the Zaca mine in California and Cornish Quartz.
Minasragrite - Peru
Randomly, throughout the year, we offer theme based updates. Themes are usually locality based but also include specialized collecting interests such as Rare Earth Minerals, Pegmatite Minerals or Mica Group Minerals for instance.

Upcoming Special Editions:
Tsumeb!! - July

Three ways to Order on dakotamatrix.com

1. Use the Shopping Cart and take advantage of all of our benefits.
2. Email us your order.
3. Call us at 605 718 9130.

Please know that if you do not use the shopping cart, you may loose a specimen to someone who is, since we may not make it to the phone or the email as fast as someone using the shopping cart.

Rare Species Email List
Sign up for our exclusive Rare Mineral Species email only list. This email is sent out to collectors interested in rare mineral species. When you join this list you will receive advanced opportunity to select rare species from an email text listing before it is published to the Dakota Matrix website. Click here to see your most recent list Rare Mineral Species List #9. This list contained rare Gysinite and Rebulite.
Send us an email at dakotamatrix@gmail.com to join this list now.
Spot Offers
For quick sale. Excelsior Electronics Geiger Counter DG-7. I know nothing about this model. I don't think it works, but I'm sure it is fixable. $25 plus shipping. Email me at dakotamatrix@gmail..com or reply to this email.
Other Stuff:
1. MATRIX Journal - Michigan Gold Issue Spring 2003 $10

2. MATRIX Journal - History of Turquoise Winter 2002-2003 $5

3. MATRIX Journal - Mineral History of Georgia Winter 2003-04 $10

4. AMBER - Cedar lake, Manitoba. A large bottle (6 x 2.5 inches or 14 x 7cm). Little 2-4mm pieces. Thousands of them!!  $10 a steal.

5. Indium - Siberia, Russia in a capsule - $5

6. A small 6.5cm vial full of Herkimer Diamonds $10

7. Four little 6.5 x 8cm Riker Specimen Mount boxes with minerals. Cotton lined with glass front. Tourmaline and Beryl. All for $5.

Please just email Tom at dakotamatrix@gmail.com if you want anything above. Shipping costs is extra!!
We would like thank all of you for your continued interest in Dakota Matrix Minerals. It is truly our endeavor to help build your mineral collection with quality and affordable specimens.

As always, feel free to contact us by email at dakotamatrix@gmail.com or call us at 605 718-9130 should you have any questions.

Tom Loomis, President
Dakota Matrix Mineral, Inc.
All orders shipped via USPS Priority mail. Additional shipping costs may apply depending upon where you live and what you order. Please request special shipping requirements at the time of order in the comment area of the shopping cart. Click here to learn more about Shipping

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The Dakota Matrix Exclusive Notifier
All Special Editions are randomly released. BUT once you download our NOTIFIER you will be alerted immediately when it is released. If you are at your computer, you may have the first chance to choose the minerals you want. To download the notifier and learn more about Special Editions click below:

Enjoy hundreds of exclusive photos in our Mineralpedia. These are found no where else online. This photo database is loaded with proven, correctly identified mineral photos for your identification needs. Mineral properties are also included.

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REE Feed: One of the easiest ways to know exactly what we post. In Firefox go to Bookmarks then Subscribe to this Page. In IE go to Tools then Feed Discovery.

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